Conditional actions

DepthAI SDK provides a way to perform actions based on some conditions. For example, you can perform an action when a certain number of objects is detected in the frame. This functionality can be achieved by using Trigger-Action API.


Trigger-Action API is a way to define a set of conditions and actions that should be performed when these conditions are met. DepthAI SDK provides a set of predefined conditions and actions, but you can also define your own.

Basic concepts:

  • Trigger - a condition that should be met to perform an action.

  • Action - an action that should be performed when a trigger is met.


Trigger-Action API is implemented in the depthai.trigger_action module.


The base class for all triggers is Trigger. In order to create a trigger, you need to use the Trigger class and pass the following parameters:

  • input - a component that should be used as a trigger source.

  • condition - a function that should return True or False based on the trigger source.

  • cooldown - defines how often a trigger can be activated (in seconds).

The set of predefined triggers:

  • DetectionTrigger - a trigger that is activated when a certain number of objects is detected in the frame.


An action can be represented by either a function or a class derived from Action class. The custom action should implement activate() and optionally on_new_packets() methods.

The set of predefined actions:

  • RecordAction - records a video of a given duration when a trigger is activated.


The following example shows how to create a trigger that is activated when at least 1 person is detected in the frame. When the trigger is activated, it records a 15 seconds video (5 seconds before the trigger is activated and 10 seconds after).

from depthai_sdk import OakCamera
from depthai_sdk.trigger_action.actions.record_action import RecordAction
from depthai_sdk.trigger_action.triggers.detection_trigger import DetectionTrigger

with OakCamera() as oak:
    color = oak.create_camera('color', encode='jpeg')
    stereo = oak.create_stereo('400p')

    nn = oak.create_nn('mobilenet-ssd', color)

    trigger = DetectionTrigger(input=nn, min_detections={'person': 1}, cooldown=30)
    action = RecordAction(inputs=[color, stereo.out.disparity], dir_path='./recordings/',
                          duration_before_trigger=5, duration_after_trigger=10)
    oak.trigger_action(trigger=trigger, action=action)

