Age-Gender Inference¶
This example showcases the usage of multi-stage neural network pipeline to make age and gender inference on a video frame.
Visualization in current example is done with blocking behavor. This means that the program will halt at oak.start()
until the window is closed.
This is done to keep the example simple. For more advanced usage, see Blocking behavior section.

Please run the install script to download all required dependencies. Please note that this script must be ran from git context, so you have to download the depthai repository first and then run the script
git clone
cd depthai/
For additional information, please follow our installation guide.

Source Code¶
Also available on GitHub.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 | import cv2 import numpy as np from depthai_sdk import OakCamera from depthai_sdk.classes import TwoStagePacket from depthai_sdk.visualize.configs import TextPosition def callback(packet: TwoStagePacket): visualizer = packet.visualizer for det, rec in zip(packet.detections, packet.nnData): age = int(float(np.squeeze(np.array(rec.getLayerFp16('age_conv3')))) * 100) gender = np.squeeze(np.array(rec.getLayerFp16('prob'))) gender_str = "Woman" if gender[0] > gender[1] else "Man" visualizer.add_text(f'{gender_str}\nAge: {age}', bbox=packet.bbox.get_relative_bbox(det.bbox), position=TextPosition.BOTTOM_RIGHT) frame = visualizer.draw(packet.frame) cv2.imshow('Age-gender estimation', frame) with OakCamera() as oak: color = oak.create_camera('color') det = oak.create_nn('face-detection-retail-0004', color) det.config_nn(resize_mode='crop') age_gender = oak.create_nn('age-gender-recognition-retail-0013', input=det) # age_gender.config_multistage_nn(show_cropped_frames=True) # For debugging # Visualize detections on the frame. Don't show the frame but send the packet # to the callback function (where it will be displayed) oak.visualize(age_gender, callback=callback) oak.visualize(det.out.passthrough) oak.visualize(age_gender.out.twostage_crops) # oak.show_graph() # Show pipeline graph, no need for now oak.start(blocking=True) # This call will block until the app is stopped (by pressing 'Q' button) |